
HAPPY Profile 240516京都府綾部市出身、2012年から都内を中心に活動中のAlec(gt/vo) Ric(key/vo)Chew(gt) Syu(ba) Bob(dr/vo)からなる5人組。


ライティングはOHPを使用したリキッドライトを得意とするShining Rain Projectが手掛ける事も多く、その他自身らも関わるアートチーム「Paint Groove」のイベントでのJesus Weekendと共に演奏するExperimental Live Set、Juni(Bansuri/Sequencer)を含めた7人編成でのHealing Resolution Setなど、ライブハウスやフェス、レイヴ等の会場や時間帯によってバンドの音楽性を軸に幅広いセットで活動中。その場の空気や流れに合わせて演奏する即興音楽の精神を取り入れたパフォーマンスを展開し、音楽的な実験と探究を続けている。

HAPPY. A 5-piece band from Ayabe, Kyoto, Japan, active mainly in Tokyo since2012—Alec (guitar/vocals), Ric (keyboard/vocals), Chew (guitar), Syu (bass),and Bob (drums/vocals).

The musical styles include rock, psychedelic, exotica, new age, dance music,and improvisation, fused together in a kaleidoscope of unique colors.For live performances, they are mainly a 6-piece ensemble with orihasamado(sax/percuss). The band's lighting is often done by Shining Rain Project, whichspecializes in Liquid Light using OHPs.

They also perform a wide range of sets at live houses, music festivals, raves,etc., depending on the venue and time of day, including an Experimental LiveSet with Jesus Weekend at events organized by Paint Groove, an art team inwhich they are involved, and a Healing Resolution Set with Juni (Bansuri/Sequencer). In the spirit of improvised music, they play according to the moodand flow of the moment, continues to experiment and explore musically.